
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"if the bitch doesn't do it to my liking
i make the bitch do it all over again"

pump your brakes...BITCH!? there is not a word in the english language i hate more than the word BITCH when used as an adjective. i'd rather have a white man call me a nigger, than hear a male call a female a BITCH. that's how much that word pisses me off.
but anyway, these kinds of maury episodes really get to me, because in MY situation, my girlfriend doubles as the mother of my child and i would never ever think about doing that to a female like i got a daughter and shit, that just makes me look at females in a whole different light. any nigga that makes his female cry, or doesn't wipe her tears when she does is no friend of mine. you're a coward if you take pleasure in someone else's pain and misery. growing up with so many sisters, aunts, neices like im SO tight that i just watched this and it could possibly be true.


  1. AUDREY said...
    this man is the epitome of ignorant. his mindstate is so closed minded and fuckin wack that it's disgusting.
    Anonymous said...
    everything audrey said and then more.

    btw your daughter is adorable! i wanna hug her!

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